Monday, September 29, 2008

What will happen if you see this?

Hmm~ Please Please Please Please
Dun get jealous k?
Cause I love you Loads as how much I love my sis^^
What you think of her? She is as pretty as you=D
Trust me... I love you loads too~


Juz a few weeks back,
I remember when i trick you by holding a cigarette stick and pretend to smoke
Haha i almost tick you off~ Haha... Sorry to do that^^
Juz thinking of making the conversation lively and i wish to leave a mark in your memory
Haha Sry for making you worry^^
I Promised you that I won't smoke... And i do not intend to break that promise~
I hope you can keep your promise too=D
Every moment i think of you, You are like the sunshine of the day xD
Haha BTW that picture is only posing, I didnt smoke at all...
Hope you dun get me wrong=p

My fathers computer

well guess what?
Looks like my father juz bought a new computer.
And you wont even believe in what u see~~
Haha check this out~~
Hahaha Shocking!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

starting to learn again

GEE.... This thing is really frustrating..
I have to learn over the basic.... dam!!
well what to do? Have to go through over again...
I need a good background and a good picture for the header!!!...Argh!!!!
Anyway how ever i do this, its always and only for you=D
hahaha whatever happen I will complete this blog nice and beautiful=P
Dam!! this things are frustrating...
Hahaha LoVe YoU loads~~ leave a msg if you can~~

A question~

What is your new blog address?
Or did you juz deleted your blog?
i cant go in there.


I cant believe this,
yesterday i was nicely talking to you till 2 -3 am in the morning.
And finally i went to sleep after that
but guess what, i woke up at 6.30 today.......
hahaha oops...I've slept so long....
At least i had a nice dream yesterday night,
Its about you, dearest Libby
The Dream is a long story, cause you know... I've slept so long.
When there is a chance i will gladly tell you=D
See you later=X

Friday, September 26, 2008

Meeting you

Well, today is my final test.
I guess I wont be going to school for the whole of next month.
But I'll be coming on the day when art club have the class party, the 1st day of your pmr and the last day of your pmr.
I'll be coming only for a while. Juz to give you all the best and good luck in your pmr.
I know that you expect highly of yourself. so I do hope that you will get what you aim for.
To tell the truth, i don't usually pray,
But now for you to get the best of the best, i will pray for you
we might have different religion, but i don't care. As long as i can pray for you.
Today i saw you in Sunway Pyramid, but to find you is not an easy task.
Florence and I looked for you for more then 1 and a half hours.
Today i finally get to talk to you after so many days of silence.
Your voice truly are the soundtrack of my summer, without it, its juz blank.
There are many more things i wanna say on this blog,
but there juz too many. One day I'll write everything. The memories you gave me are the best.
It is something that i will never forget. Juz gimme time to work on the words. Its not easy filling up the blank. =]
I'm going to start another blog real soon.
That blog is specially made for you. The days that I'm alone.
You will get it on your last day of pmr. You will X]

Thursday, September 25, 2008

after reading your blog

After seeing what you have say in yout blog,
i felt very bad. I'm sorry that i have to do this,
Its juz that i have already solve the equation that i'm the distraction.
I'm positive of it.
i have to leave you to study for while,
i know it is harsh on you, but please believe me,
it will help you in the time.
I'll be always right beside you whatever happen,
its juz that now you have to put me down forwhile
It hurt me for doing this. It does and very badly.
But we have to learn to brace oursleves from greater impact.
I believe that you can do it. Trust me.
And I still love you even if i have to overcome all the problems in the world

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Not going to school

Well~ today i'm not going to school cause i'm sick!!
GEE!!! sigh... but you are not going to school either,
so its okay~~
many things had happen yesterday. but whatever effort i put in to build this kingdom in u and me,
I wont give up. As long as there is still a tomorrow, the memories of you and me will never die.
Did I tell u before that you are the best thing that happen in my life, without you is really meaningless to live...
Like I said you are not the only one that is addicted,
Shhh!!! keep this a secret..
I just want to say that, whatever choice you would choose,
I will not hesitate to disobey.
But I wont give up easily on you.
You have my word=D
Always right beside you X] A promise i made will never falter

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Creating this blog

Well~ all i can say about creating this blog is that
when i create this blog, i taught off u every second,
waiting for ur reply.
Finally u replied juz in time..
it lighten up my day
well i'll replying ur msg now~~

Remembering the past

Tomorrow I'm having physics test, but the burning desire to build this blog is overwhelming. Anyway, today I have a group studies with James, same goes to you,
cause u are also having group study with your best fren, Poh Ming.=D
what a coincidence that 2 of us will be having group study on the same day.
While having my studies with my best pal James, my eyes cant focus on the subject.
I still remember the day when we chat on msn, i stole ur display picture and use it as my own.
well=D still remember this? hahaha^^ thats about it

The day when things starts

You and me are people that are very much to be shy,
its not what we wanted but its what we are.


This is NIcholas