Friday, September 26, 2008

Meeting you

Well, today is my final test.
I guess I wont be going to school for the whole of next month.
But I'll be coming on the day when art club have the class party, the 1st day of your pmr and the last day of your pmr.
I'll be coming only for a while. Juz to give you all the best and good luck in your pmr.
I know that you expect highly of yourself. so I do hope that you will get what you aim for.
To tell the truth, i don't usually pray,
But now for you to get the best of the best, i will pray for you
we might have different religion, but i don't care. As long as i can pray for you.
Today i saw you in Sunway Pyramid, but to find you is not an easy task.
Florence and I looked for you for more then 1 and a half hours.
Today i finally get to talk to you after so many days of silence.
Your voice truly are the soundtrack of my summer, without it, its juz blank.
There are many more things i wanna say on this blog,
but there juz too many. One day I'll write everything. The memories you gave me are the best.
It is something that i will never forget. Juz gimme time to work on the words. Its not easy filling up the blank. =]
I'm going to start another blog real soon.
That blog is specially made for you. The days that I'm alone.
You will get it on your last day of pmr. You will X]

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