Saturday, December 20, 2008

Do you remember

After so many things had happen,
I finally realize how sweet our past times are
You are like Juliet and I'm Romeo,
Although things are hard to work out between us
But I believe that time will tell us what to do and what can be done
Everyone needs time to think..
Now all those sweet moment we have to postpone years later
I made a pact with you that I will be back for you after you turn 18
18 is said to be the ticket to freedom
When you are 18 then,
I'm gonna convince your parents that I'm capable of your loves and their trust
I'm gonna show them that I have the ability to take care of a good wife
A good wife such as you
I'm serious here, I dun like to play a fool with all this kind of things
I would do my best to do everything to get you
That's all I really wan...
Without you, everything that I do seems like dun have it means...
I feel lonely nowadays
even when I'm spending time with my friends,
the happiness only last for a while
But with you, the happiness seem to last forever.
I'm not doing this to flatter you...
But its what I really wan....
I hope that I can share everything with you and vice versa
I hope the Romeo and Juliet in us will come to a good ending

Monday, December 1, 2008


GUESS WHAT????!!????!!!
If i told you this your would probably get very angry
but you'll manage~~
I've watch the twilight movie d!!
very very very very very nice le
I realize something after I finish this story
I realize something in our lives are related to the story
Not to say related,
but almost like the story
The action you showed me the things I do to you
It seems to follow the story
I think you trying to follow Bella footsteps are you??
haha Just Kidding~~
But I never realize that somethings I do to you are perfectly equal to what Edward's doing to Bella
*I said that you are very surprising, is seems that Edward said that to Bella too
*And there's once, you said that you would die rather then not living with me
Bella said that to Edward too.
*And I said that I would rather hurt myself that hurting you
Edward said that to Bella too!
The story of you and me are quite/almost the same.~~
Lets see.....
To tell the truth, I dont mind following the story
As long you are by my side
From now on, I dun wanna call you my baby anymore
I got a new name that I wanna said to you
You have to find it out from me

I have a confession to make
Actually I lied
I never watch the show hahaha
I leave the best part for you and me =)