Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The 7th day

Its the 7 days since you went to US
and its also the 7th day we never text to each other.
Looks like its still a long way to wait for you to arrive back to home land huh?^^
hmm today is my last day of SPM
Its 4 in the morning and I'm not sleeping..
I've been missing you so badly..
But dont worry about me I know how to enjoy my life and wont emo over missing you too much
but guess what??
I realize that I only miss you at night O_O
how I know it?
hahaha you'll see~~~
well, There's been 7 days you leave Malaysia
I sleep for only 2-3 days, the rest??
I only stare at my ceiling doing nothing but missing you
I'm not having a proper sleep nowadays^^
but dont worry about me,
I'm still on my feet, everywhere I go my eyelids are heavy
but its okay~
so hows your holidays there? having fun?
I know you do =D
Luckily today is my last paper and its EST
so Its a BIG relive =o
don't you dare to worry about my studies anymore^^ cause I've finish it

Its going to be dusk soon
and I'm yawning~~
I bet you wanna see my drowsy face^^
Is it hard to stop missing me? I know it is
But you'll manage
I Believe in you.

Does this word still have the ability to heal your heart??^^
I'll Do My Very Best

I Love You?~


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Every single moment , every single time

Every night,
Every morning,
when I open my eyes,
I hope that the 1st thing that I would see is you..
but as for now,
once I close my eyes, I see you in my dreams
Day or night,
as long the brain still function,
you are always in my mind.

Whatever you do,
It always makes me happy.
even we have bad time,
the good times in my mind always wins.
And I'll do what I can to reduce or cancel bad moments.

Every single time,
I look into you eyes,
you reminds me of those time we had together,
We had fun doing many things together.
Most important of all,
your eyes reminds me of my mothers eyes.
I got the same feeling looking into your eyes and my mothers eyes..
Its weird, but you are special,
so it doesnt matter..
I love you Libby.
yesterday, today, tomorrow and everyday=]

Dam... My english sucks!!

jeez.... my English sucks!!
I think I need to take advanced English class next year
I'm going to go for some English tuition to Further enhanced my English
The choice of English words for me is very limited.

Why would I wanna learn English again?
For some reasons...
I have relearn my English..
So next time i write this blog with much more enhanced word
and much much much more things to write
and I'm pretty sure I can "Sweet talk" much more

No la that's not my intention.
After I learn English, I think I'll be back to write this blog into a better version of what I wan to describe
Better English can do many things.........
Dam!! I'm so envy of those good English speaking people..
argh... wahahahahaha English here I come!!