Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The 7th day

Its the 7 days since you went to US
and its also the 7th day we never text to each other.
Looks like its still a long way to wait for you to arrive back to home land huh?^^
hmm today is my last day of SPM
Its 4 in the morning and I'm not sleeping..
I've been missing you so badly..
But dont worry about me I know how to enjoy my life and wont emo over missing you too much
but guess what??
I realize that I only miss you at night O_O
how I know it?
hahaha you'll see~~~
well, There's been 7 days you leave Malaysia
I sleep for only 2-3 days, the rest??
I only stare at my ceiling doing nothing but missing you
I'm not having a proper sleep nowadays^^
but dont worry about me,
I'm still on my feet, everywhere I go my eyelids are heavy
but its okay~
so hows your holidays there? having fun?
I know you do =D
Luckily today is my last paper and its EST
so Its a BIG relive =o
don't you dare to worry about my studies anymore^^ cause I've finish it

Its going to be dusk soon
and I'm yawning~~
I bet you wanna see my drowsy face^^
Is it hard to stop missing me? I know it is
But you'll manage
I Believe in you.

Does this word still have the ability to heal your heart??^^
I'll Do My Very Best

I Love You?~


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