Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Another New Story

There goes another beginning of a story
Life together with you are ups and downs
We had our bad and good time
Although sometimes is tooooooooooooo extreme
But overall living through the life together with you is really really fun and happy
I'm very proud of you that you are working so hard to achieve a good results for your next coming big exam(SPM)
you have live up to your reputation^^
all those people that gossip behind your back,
dun care about them
they are not worth it. wasting the time to get angry over small little gossip or back stab
Although we don't stay under the same roof,
we still communicate with each other using various ways.
Although communicating with each other is tough
but living my life with you makes me stop alot of addictive kind of interest
such as computers, ps2 and some other game console...
You became like a treasure that I cannot lose,
It will take a life time of suffer to lose you =[
I really wish I'll be the one that you will see me in the morning when u open your eyes
although its a little far fetched but
for me is like a wonderful dream, a never ending dream, lasting-forever dream...
Seeing you beside me calm me down and regains my "cool"-ness

Libz=] I only will take my number one girl
my little angel =]

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