Friday, October 31, 2008

Dun cry, Libby

Whatever past is past,
whatever that you've faced before and let it go,
Let it.
Whatever wrong doings and bad doings you did before,
forget it.
What matters now is how you face your future with happiness and joy.

There is loads of things for you in future to complete,
many problems are to be face,
Overcome as many as you can,
Take a step forward each time you complete a task.

Each time you cry,
it makes me sad, I felt like crying, I felt useless for not making you smile
For you, I can be stubborn.
Each time you keep quiet and hide your feelings,
Its scares me every second every minute.
Your smile brings joy to my life.

Your tears strengthen me
It made me invulnerable towards many things
and the range of awareness grows wider.
Now I'm being very dam aware of many things that might happen.
The tears you shed for me, I felt touched.

Stay strong, my beloved one.
and dun cry.
I'll do whatever I can to make you smile.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A sweet talker

hmm... I'm not much of a sweet talker to any girl
but I'm a really good sweet talker to you^^
hmmm,... is it good or bad?
well I cant say that is good NOR bad..
What I can say to you now is that,
giving too much of sweet talking is not so good.
cause one day both of us will run out of "sweet talking" topic.
well~ thats for sure.

so either way, I will still continue to sweet talk you
but not so much and not so little
gotta keep the distance between the bar
You know....

Loving you is the greatest thing in the world
I love you so much more then I ever felt before
But there is still many things for us to overcome
By our best effort I believe that we can make it through
Y want to stop now?

Realize that?
If you dont, look again^^
Sweet talker~~~ Nick, Icckky

Libby Libby Libby Libby x)

Friday, October 24, 2008

I always wonder

You told me about this
I'm Your 3 in 1
what is that? I'll tell you
A father, a brother, and a boyfriend.

Well, A father??
hahaha no problem!!
I'm soon to be one!!
As a father of X amount of children
I wan you to take a wild guess who the wife might be
Hmm?? cant guess? HEHE^^

A brother?
I'm already a brother for my sis^^
And now I have you as my sister
I dun mind having another sister to share my lollipop x]
I will give you the best comfort, the best love, the best thing that could ever happen to you in your life!!!
I will make you a better a smarter a wise and a very very very good sister in future
I'll be the best brother I can to give you all my love and support to hold you up high
where you can touch the sky.
I'll treat you like how I treat all my sister
I'm havin a great sister!! WHO???????

A boyfriend?
This is my favorite=)
Why is it my favorite?
hmmm I tell you why
Very simple answer but very powerful meaning
I love you <3
I will give you the world, the universe to be with you( its exaggerating, I know)
Whenever You need me I"ll lift you up so high that you can reach the sky
Whatever You wan from me, I'll do my very best to get that diamond
Wherever You wan me to travel with you, I'll go the distance
Why Am I doing so much for you?
Its because
.........................................I LOVE YOU................................

The fire Shall never die
Libby~~ x]

What does this look like to you??

Take a wild guess^^
Answer: A shape of a heart
representing you and me

Thinking of you

All the time when I'm alone,
I think of you...
All the time when you are not around,
I think of you...
All the time when I'm focusing on something and you are not around me,
I think of you...

Not spending enough time,
Not giving enough time,
Not having enough time....
I wanna spend my time with you...

Thinking of you become what I can only do when you're not around me
Time to think of you get shorter everyday,
We are lacking time in every way.
Is there anyway I can rebuild the time we can spend together?
I always ask
Is there something I can do to grab back the time that we can spend together?
The answer is out there. I know it..
Someday I'll do what I can to achieve my dream
My dream...... you...

The story is always about you
Wrong or right
Cause I love you so much Sweet talker eh?Hehe ^^

Monday, October 20, 2008

TIme to rumble!!

hmm.... cant think of much to say today...
Its time for me to start my engine.
Well~ where is the key? hmm...
I would gladly take it from you...
pump my petrol and continue my journey to success
Spm here I come!!!
nothing can stop me!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Its beginning....

Yesterday, today and tomorrow...
Time is running out....
SPM is a couple or weeks away....
But now something in me that I didnt expected came in
and guess what?
how do i know it?
hmmm lets see....
I was doing my add maths practice half way, and then suddenly there is a heavy feeling in me..
well I was wondering what was that...
Suddenly, you send a text to me
my heart pumped so hard that it almost fall off.. well~ that beat was really strong..
And all of sudden I started emoing... well its not a bad emo.
I juz missed you too much.. @@
And then the next day, I went to do my practices again
and suddenly that feeling comes back...
WOW... it strikes me again
and I thought of you=X
you said to me that when you starts to think of me and will not be able study..
well now its my turn to have that feeling now....
sooooooooooooo... I'm addicted to you now...
well its not a bad thing thou
I love to think of you lots... but duty calls..
i have to concentrate on my studies in order to excel in my SPM
I love you dam lots Libby..

Libby is my beloved baby X]

Thursday, October 16, 2008

What I like about you

You once asked me, what I like about your attitude or dislike
hmm... to tell the truth, I really cant find your attitude is a problem to me...
I like it that way
You told me that you're stubborn...
and I really don't find that a bad thing.
There is a lot of things I like about you..
Well, one of it is because you think rationally
I can see that you are trying to understand humans. Thats what I love to do~
We share a common interest there... It can be seen clearly that u are understanding human by the time when you lost your phone and you start suspecting people by their action and motion.
And there is a lots of "why" inside everybody
I can see that you've clear many of your "?" in you
which make you aware of your surroundings.. Well~ that is good....
You have a special ability in you> determination
I can see clearly that you are very determine to do something that you wan..
I cant say you are the only person in the world that is determine
but so far, I mean so far... I've only seen that you are the only one that is determine to complete task you've been given to...
maybe in the future we will go through hard understanding.. people might also set us up in our relationship
many many things might occur...
I'm ready to take the task to go through all this with you
I'm reaching my hand for you to accept and go through this with me, are you willing to?
There is many many more I cant describe now... A little down and stress out from SPM...
I dun feel so well now... I'll describe about your personality when my mood are back.. the hyper me..

What is SPM really for? key to the future?

sigh... why cant exam be over??
have to suffer another month of studies...
which now I have lots of doubts of doing my spm properly
DAm!! For me SPM result is to juz impressing people
and that is not what I like to do....
Many people say that SPM is the key to the future
yes it is...But I'm still wondering why I have to go through this "bullshit" to unlock the key to the future?
my father once told me that even with your spm result in hand
you can only become an office boy in a big company or so..
the spm result is juz a prove to show people that you are good( impressing people)
This world is unfair, everyone should probably know that..
fair or not... I seriously thinks that SPM is not the only way to excel in ones future life...
My heart isn't there to do this....
but as u know its a prove to "impress" people so, if I do not get a good result in studies
there is many more things I cant do....
Not only for work.... marriage also gets involve...
everybody's parents would wan their children to live happily with their life time partner.. the only prove to show to the other side parents is to show the best of your spm result...
So, whatever the substance that I have to face and overcome,
I'll put in my (bestest) effort into this spm proving thing and to take you as my life time partner..
A wife that I really wan.. Libby.
I will do everything for you. I'll put in all my effort into this SHIT and excel in my studies to marry you...
THis is what I really wan... really really wan..

Love my baby[Libby]

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pictures of me, Pictures of you

This is the clock upon the wall
This is the story of us all
This is the first sound of a newborn child,
Before he starts to crawl
This is the war that's never won
This is a soldier and his gun
This is the mother waiting by the phone,
Praying for her son

Pictures of you, pictures of me
Hung upon your wall for the world to see
Pictures of you, pictures of me
Remind us all of what we used to be

There is a drug that cures it all
Blocked by the governmental wall
We are the scientists inside the lab,
Just waiting for the call
This earthquake weather has got me shaking inside
I'm high up and dry

Pictures of you,pictures of me
Hung upon your wall for the world to see
Pictures of you,pictures of me
Reminds us all of what we used to be


Confess to me, every secret moment
Every stolen promise you believed
Confess to me, all that lies between us
All that lies between you and me

We are the boxers in the ring
We are the bells that never sing
There is a title we can't win no matter
How hard we might swing

Pictures of you, pictures of me
Hung upon your wall for the world to see
Pictures of you, pictures of me
Remind us all of what we could have been

Pictures of you, pictures of me
Hung upon your wall for the world to see
Pictures of you, pictures of me
Remind us all of what we could have been

Could have been (x2)

We could have been (x2)

Pictures of you, pictures of me
Remind us all of what we could have been
Could have been (x2)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The night that I did not sleep (40+ hours)

2 days ago, well... its also the day I posted my previous blog
that night I did not sleep the whole night due to...
You know what? Livita...
Sigh... I drink that bottle of livita during night hours and didn't notice that it contains caffeine...
and its was my 2nd night that I did not sleep....
well.... lets see... and once again I didn't sleep the whole night....
and this is what I did that night hehehe^^
well its morning actually...
too bored=(

Oh shit... so gay.... dam!! wahahahahaha X]

I'm jealous of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( in a good way)^^ 3 things why I'm jealous of you =D

Why I'm jealous? Here's why
I'm jealous of Libby because........
My SPM over only at 27 November..... ARGH!!!!
I wanna spend time with you!!!
I love you so much
Love love love love love love love love

I'm jealous because
You love me more!!!
I wanna love you more also
I'm so obsess over you very very very obsess
the closer I come to SPM the more love flows through me
I dunno why
cause I'm gonna love you more wahahahahaha
Juz wait and seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I'm jealous because
You are going out after pmr......
I wanna go out with you T_T
wahahahaha I LOVE YOU LIBBY
If I get to go out with you I''ll be so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so dam happy
but for now I'll be jealous 1st^^
but soon................. hehehehehehehe^^

Dun seems like the usual cool me huh?
hahaha dunno why so active today^^
HAHAHA I think I know.... cause I heard your voice on the phone today
you know why?
because "your voice was the soundtrack of my summer"

I love you LiBbY
My baby X]

I LoVe YoU


Friday, October 10, 2008

forgotten something

My childhood fren wishes you good luck in your pmr
And she says hi...
by the way she knows that you are my girlfren
I trust her, dun worry

Libbyzzz [baby]

The third time^^

Today is the third time you called me "Nicholas"
The 1st and 2nd time was on the phone when you say my name
well~~ usually you call me either nick or ickkky
well those are my fav but the name that I really like it when you call me is Hmm
"lou gung" hahaha Its in Cantonese and it means husband
but I dun wan you to call me "lou gung" is because I wan that term to be a special=D
So it will be special on special occasion.
Why I post this third time thing?
wanna know? I will definitely tell you
This is the 3rd time you call me nick and after of 3weeks the 1st hug I get from you
To me is a really special thing
very very special^^
We have not hug each other for a 3 weeks d... It so happen that the 3rd time you call me "Nicholas" I got this hug from you
I love this moment and I will appreciate and most important of all
treasuring it..
I love you, Libby (my baby)^^

Promises~ (Part III)

I will never ever break a promise I made to you...
I know at our age is tough to make such big promises
but As long a I'm with you I will never ever break a promise to you.. I hope=<
As you can see... I promise you that I will not smoke
And I never ever will do that
I juz bought this Box to show you that I HATE cigarettes so much
It may tempt me to smoke....
But my will power to fight against this temptation is very strong! I will not deny that
And moreover it is a promise that I make to you
Although I might have break promises to other people
And yes I did before on both side unintentionally and intentionally
There are reason to break a promise intentionally though..Even to my mother! =D oops...
But to you I will not let myself break any promises I made to you.
Many people might not trust this post, I myself have low confidence doing this,
but I will not let my guard down promising you something
There is a quote I strongly believe in
" Never make a promise you can't keep"^^

Promises~ (Part II)

This post here shows what happen after the 1st post
Hmm well take a look what I did to those cigarettes...
HEHE is worst than throwing them away
Preparation for burning cigarette experiment^^
Well it caught on fire at first( light the fire with a flamethrower aka Ridsect mosquito spray hahaha^^
well watch the flame thrown out by the flame thrower

THere is a video on this explosion experiment but I think dun have to post la...
Too long d...

Promises~ (Part I)

Remember There's one day I told you that I bought something and I didnt do anything with it
That's cigarettes.... HAHAHA
Dont worry, this Post shows you how much I hate cigarettes
FKing HATE IT!!!!
I bought this box of cigarette In a nearby 7eleven at the cost of RM6.50/box.
The purpose of buying this box of cigarettes are to show and prove to you that I will not smoke in anyway~~
Lots of people tells me this "why you waste money?" "why you waste money?" "why you waste money?"
I Reply them " I rather spend my money to buy this one box of cigarette to throw it away then harming somebody's life" I know there is still production of cigarettes around the world.
But buying one box to throw may safe a person life...So, Why not?

This note wrote by JAmes

Love being with you

Times together are the hardest things for us to find now
As you know I've got Spm and you've Pmr
I really wan to spend time with you wherever you go and i mean WHEREVER( including USA)
But sigh... I know that will not happen.... At this age...
But like you say after 5 years, there is many more things we can do^^
The things that I wanna do with you are bungee jumping, sky diving, motor boating and much much more.
Whenever you are close to me, I've felt that I live in my own world together only with you.
Holding you in my arm gives me the burning courage to love you more=D
I would never wanna hurt you in any way, from now on, when I hurt you I'll leave a scar on my skin k? VERY SERIOUS
That way then I can be assure that I will not hurt you
There are a lots of obstacles now you and me trying to overcome
This will be a challenge for us to test our endurance for each others love
I Love You so much.....
I wan you to speak from your heart, not something that will please me k?
I'm not saying you are like this but juz wan you to know every word I type and I say is always from my heart. I know you are too but i juz wan you to know that I wan to know most things are from your heart. That way I can Love Love Love you more and more and more then EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR xP (haha grammer mistake)(( I Dun Care^^))
Sheeh.... No photoshop... If not I edit my own blogskin...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Wait Wait Wait!!!

I forgot to add~~ theres more to that
You love canteen day right
hahahaha well lucky for us my fren took a picture of us together
I have to thank him
Hmmm.... Its only one..... sigh
But hahaha worth the memories

What am i doing there?? Thats definitely not a middle finger=D

Sweet Memories~~

Hmm~~ today is a special day.
you know why?
cause i went to school on a day that i chose to home study
hmm for what?
hahaha To meet you of course.Who is that? if you ask
hahaha welll guess what?? ITS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This special day brings me back lots of memories we been together
wellll~~~ Lets see..... HMmm study camp?
Hahaz. Well lots of memories back then^^
Lets check it out~~
WOW!!! eyes!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008


Another come by without taking a glance at your face,
Its been 9 or 10 days we didn't meet each other,
I felt so lonely all of sudden
It juz happen today. I woke up late at 3pm
I saw your text asking me to come to school,
to tell the truth I dun feel happy when I saw that text
Its because you said b4 that u dun wan me to go to school
and u cant find a reason for that
I'm not mad, its juz that looking back brings back lots of things we've been together
U said that ur unstable, and telling me to not ask
I'm okay with that...
Its juz that I really dun understand a lot of things
And I felt very sad.

I dunno what bothers you but if its a self secret, keep it to yourself
My sisters came back early from school today (the twins)
asking me to allow them to use my computer
and i got angry, I dunno why,
My feelings juz burst out all of sudden..
I'm emo now... I feel like shouting out or crying out the pain and sorrow within me
Tears rolling down my cheeks as I type...
This will be the 1st time I cry for you..
I wrote this msg to tell u how I feel inside
I've never hide secrets from you, and I intend to keep it that way
As for you, I give you all the time you wan to let yourself out of your suffering
and I'll come back to you with a smile on my face..
I love you more then I've ever felt before
You are my precious

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Admiring oneself~

I went out yesterday to IOI with my colored hair.
Silverish-Gold WOW!!!!
It look fairly nice^^ Wanna see it?
HAHA kk I'll show you X]

I'm no Gay.....

Hmm... Lets see while I'm studying with all my sis,
something gravely happen...
Well its really unexpected, my sis suddenly pulled my arm close to them and they did something with it.
Geez... They nail polished it!!!
Shit.... I'm being nail polished!! Arghhhhh...
Thats girl sstufffffff... and they make me wear it too...
sigh but anyway its my sis, so i cant really do anything^^
I let them to polished my nails.
And its...... pink!!!
PINK!!!! and orange...
well orange still okay...But PINK!!
and 8 of my finger is soaked in pink nail polish=D

Later during Dinner time,
We whole family went out for dinner at KFC( its my father's fav fast food restaurant)
Whats worst is I walked around IOI mall with the nail polished on!!
Woah! Such disaster.... I have to hide my finger under my shirt and in my pocket to hide the embarrassment
I ate the chicken with the nail polished on
There is a kid, a girl....
She keep starring at me when she saw the nail polished
She kept quiet.... Its nothing.... but...
ITS EMBARRASSING!!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
feel like jumping off a building d.. T_T
WAHAHAHA but its fun going around attracting people unnecessary attention
hahaha my hair is also painted with gold and silver colour
Anybody that passes by me would stare and look for some time
And continue with their own business^^

hmm... things went quite well after dinner at KFC
But i felt stupid for wearing the sedaya club shirt walking around IOI
The shirt design is nice, but carrying the school name around is like carrying a rotten rock or bread walking around a fancy town...
after came back from IOI, I had a migraine...
must be the lack of sleep for sleeping at 6 or 7 in the morning cause that.
Thats all i have to say for this post^^
K gotta go
Next blog will be real soon=D

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Another request from me~

Well~ looks like I lack pictures of you
Can I take some with you?
I ask here cause I wanna make a grand asking from you
hahaha Welllllllll a grand one eh?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

There is nothing wrong doing different stuff

I've seen your blog,
Although you are pessimistic, but there is still some positive thinking in you.
Whatever happen, I will NEVER EVER leave you. I promise
Even after we are not together or whatever,( I do Hope that it will never happen)
I promise you to take care of you
Even if I leave you or U left me,
I will not hesitate to protect you, to love you, to be there for you
Whatever happen I will always be there for you.
although there is alot going on in yours and my mind,
But nothing will change my mind from loving you.
I promise to love you with the deepest of my heart can ever give
The love fire from me to you will never die...

This is the 1st time i felt such great love from a girl
And the girl that gave me that love is you
I'm really grateful of what you gave me,
I cant get to a computer in James house,
so i went all the way to a nearby CC and type this message to you
after reading what you have written.
I felt that the burning fire in me gets bigger
I'm very very very eager to love you now
So dont bother hurting me or whatever so.
Everybody does mistake, that cant be deny.
But I'll do my very best not to hurt you in anyway.

Guess I gotta go its 4 am in the morning and the CC is closing down
I'll update my blog in time