Monday, October 6, 2008


Another come by without taking a glance at your face,
Its been 9 or 10 days we didn't meet each other,
I felt so lonely all of sudden
It juz happen today. I woke up late at 3pm
I saw your text asking me to come to school,
to tell the truth I dun feel happy when I saw that text
Its because you said b4 that u dun wan me to go to school
and u cant find a reason for that
I'm not mad, its juz that looking back brings back lots of things we've been together
U said that ur unstable, and telling me to not ask
I'm okay with that...
Its juz that I really dun understand a lot of things
And I felt very sad.

I dunno what bothers you but if its a self secret, keep it to yourself
My sisters came back early from school today (the twins)
asking me to allow them to use my computer
and i got angry, I dunno why,
My feelings juz burst out all of sudden..
I'm emo now... I feel like shouting out or crying out the pain and sorrow within me
Tears rolling down my cheeks as I type...
This will be the 1st time I cry for you..
I wrote this msg to tell u how I feel inside
I've never hide secrets from you, and I intend to keep it that way
As for you, I give you all the time you wan to let yourself out of your suffering
and I'll come back to you with a smile on my face..
I love you more then I've ever felt before
You are my precious

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