Wednesday, October 1, 2008

There is nothing wrong doing different stuff

I've seen your blog,
Although you are pessimistic, but there is still some positive thinking in you.
Whatever happen, I will NEVER EVER leave you. I promise
Even after we are not together or whatever,( I do Hope that it will never happen)
I promise you to take care of you
Even if I leave you or U left me,
I will not hesitate to protect you, to love you, to be there for you
Whatever happen I will always be there for you.
although there is alot going on in yours and my mind,
But nothing will change my mind from loving you.
I promise to love you with the deepest of my heart can ever give
The love fire from me to you will never die...

This is the 1st time i felt such great love from a girl
And the girl that gave me that love is you
I'm really grateful of what you gave me,
I cant get to a computer in James house,
so i went all the way to a nearby CC and type this message to you
after reading what you have written.
I felt that the burning fire in me gets bigger
I'm very very very eager to love you now
So dont bother hurting me or whatever so.
Everybody does mistake, that cant be deny.
But I'll do my very best not to hurt you in anyway.

Guess I gotta go its 4 am in the morning and the CC is closing down
I'll update my blog in time

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