Thursday, October 16, 2008

What I like about you

You once asked me, what I like about your attitude or dislike
hmm... to tell the truth, I really cant find your attitude is a problem to me...
I like it that way
You told me that you're stubborn...
and I really don't find that a bad thing.
There is a lot of things I like about you..
Well, one of it is because you think rationally
I can see that you are trying to understand humans. Thats what I love to do~
We share a common interest there... It can be seen clearly that u are understanding human by the time when you lost your phone and you start suspecting people by their action and motion.
And there is a lots of "why" inside everybody
I can see that you've clear many of your "?" in you
which make you aware of your surroundings.. Well~ that is good....
You have a special ability in you> determination
I can see clearly that you are very determine to do something that you wan..
I cant say you are the only person in the world that is determine
but so far, I mean so far... I've only seen that you are the only one that is determine to complete task you've been given to...
maybe in the future we will go through hard understanding.. people might also set us up in our relationship
many many things might occur...
I'm ready to take the task to go through all this with you
I'm reaching my hand for you to accept and go through this with me, are you willing to?
There is many many more I cant describe now... A little down and stress out from SPM...
I dun feel so well now... I'll describe about your personality when my mood are back.. the hyper me..

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