Friday, October 10, 2008

Love being with you

Times together are the hardest things for us to find now
As you know I've got Spm and you've Pmr
I really wan to spend time with you wherever you go and i mean WHEREVER( including USA)
But sigh... I know that will not happen.... At this age...
But like you say after 5 years, there is many more things we can do^^
The things that I wanna do with you are bungee jumping, sky diving, motor boating and much much more.
Whenever you are close to me, I've felt that I live in my own world together only with you.
Holding you in my arm gives me the burning courage to love you more=D
I would never wanna hurt you in any way, from now on, when I hurt you I'll leave a scar on my skin k? VERY SERIOUS
That way then I can be assure that I will not hurt you
There are a lots of obstacles now you and me trying to overcome
This will be a challenge for us to test our endurance for each others love
I Love You so much.....
I wan you to speak from your heart, not something that will please me k?
I'm not saying you are like this but juz wan you to know every word I type and I say is always from my heart. I know you are too but i juz wan you to know that I wan to know most things are from your heart. That way I can Love Love Love you more and more and more then EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR xP (haha grammer mistake)(( I Dun Care^^))
Sheeh.... No photoshop... If not I edit my own blogskin...

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