Friday, October 10, 2008

The third time^^

Today is the third time you called me "Nicholas"
The 1st and 2nd time was on the phone when you say my name
well~~ usually you call me either nick or ickkky
well those are my fav but the name that I really like it when you call me is Hmm
"lou gung" hahaha Its in Cantonese and it means husband
but I dun wan you to call me "lou gung" is because I wan that term to be a special=D
So it will be special on special occasion.
Why I post this third time thing?
wanna know? I will definitely tell you
This is the 3rd time you call me nick and after of 3weeks the 1st hug I get from you
To me is a really special thing
very very special^^
We have not hug each other for a 3 weeks d... It so happen that the 3rd time you call me "Nicholas" I got this hug from you
I love this moment and I will appreciate and most important of all
treasuring it..
I love you, Libby (my baby)^^

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