Sunday, October 26, 2008

A sweet talker

hmm... I'm not much of a sweet talker to any girl
but I'm a really good sweet talker to you^^
hmmm,... is it good or bad?
well I cant say that is good NOR bad..
What I can say to you now is that,
giving too much of sweet talking is not so good.
cause one day both of us will run out of "sweet talking" topic.
well~ thats for sure.

so either way, I will still continue to sweet talk you
but not so much and not so little
gotta keep the distance between the bar
You know....

Loving you is the greatest thing in the world
I love you so much more then I ever felt before
But there is still many things for us to overcome
By our best effort I believe that we can make it through
Y want to stop now?

Realize that?
If you dont, look again^^
Sweet talker~~~ Nick, Icckky

Libby Libby Libby Libby x)

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