Friday, October 31, 2008

Dun cry, Libby

Whatever past is past,
whatever that you've faced before and let it go,
Let it.
Whatever wrong doings and bad doings you did before,
forget it.
What matters now is how you face your future with happiness and joy.

There is loads of things for you in future to complete,
many problems are to be face,
Overcome as many as you can,
Take a step forward each time you complete a task.

Each time you cry,
it makes me sad, I felt like crying, I felt useless for not making you smile
For you, I can be stubborn.
Each time you keep quiet and hide your feelings,
Its scares me every second every minute.
Your smile brings joy to my life.

Your tears strengthen me
It made me invulnerable towards many things
and the range of awareness grows wider.
Now I'm being very dam aware of many things that might happen.
The tears you shed for me, I felt touched.

Stay strong, my beloved one.
and dun cry.
I'll do whatever I can to make you smile.

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