Friday, October 24, 2008

Thinking of you

All the time when I'm alone,
I think of you...
All the time when you are not around,
I think of you...
All the time when I'm focusing on something and you are not around me,
I think of you...

Not spending enough time,
Not giving enough time,
Not having enough time....
I wanna spend my time with you...

Thinking of you become what I can only do when you're not around me
Time to think of you get shorter everyday,
We are lacking time in every way.
Is there anyway I can rebuild the time we can spend together?
I always ask
Is there something I can do to grab back the time that we can spend together?
The answer is out there. I know it..
Someday I'll do what I can to achieve my dream
My dream...... you...

The story is always about you
Wrong or right
Cause I love you so much Sweet talker eh?Hehe ^^

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