Friday, October 17, 2008

Its beginning....

Yesterday, today and tomorrow...
Time is running out....
SPM is a couple or weeks away....
But now something in me that I didnt expected came in
and guess what?
how do i know it?
hmmm lets see....
I was doing my add maths practice half way, and then suddenly there is a heavy feeling in me..
well I was wondering what was that...
Suddenly, you send a text to me
my heart pumped so hard that it almost fall off.. well~ that beat was really strong..
And all of sudden I started emoing... well its not a bad emo.
I juz missed you too much.. @@
And then the next day, I went to do my practices again
and suddenly that feeling comes back...
WOW... it strikes me again
and I thought of you=X
you said to me that when you starts to think of me and will not be able study..
well now its my turn to have that feeling now....
sooooooooooooo... I'm addicted to you now...
well its not a bad thing thou
I love to think of you lots... but duty calls..
i have to concentrate on my studies in order to excel in my SPM
I love you dam lots Libby..

Libby is my beloved baby X]

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